Communism was seen by many as corrupt and Soviet industry and agriculture inefficient.
The Soviet Union was in economic crisis. Food shortages were everywhere. Large sums of money were being spent on defence at the expense of many citizens living in poverty. An expensive war was being fought in Afghanistan in 1979.
Crisis in Soviet Union and communism played its part: Communism is based on equality and fairness but many had lost faith in it as there was much corruption; Industry and agriculture were inefficient leading to significant levels of imports; Large sums of money were being spent on defence and the Afghanistan war.
Warsaw Pact countries were clearly behind western countries in both economic and social development. The economy of the Soviet Union was failing.
Corruption ran too deeply for the changes to happen. His withdrawal of Red Army support for other communist countries resulted in one by one the communist governments coming to an end.
Communist governments in E. Europe could no longer expect support from Red Army to exercise control.
There was much corruption with Party members living in luxury whilst the workers were living in poverty.
The people no longer had faith in their government as they saw the West getting richer.
The Soviet Union was in economic crisis. Food shortages were everywhere. Large sums of money were being spent on defence at the expense of many citizens living in poverty. An expensive war was being fought in Afghanistan in 1979.
Crisis in Soviet Union and communism played its part: Communism is based on equality and fairness but many had lost faith in it as there was much corruption; Industry and agriculture were inefficient leading to significant levels of imports; Large sums of money were being spent on defence and the Afghanistan war.

Corruption ran too deeply for the changes to happen. His withdrawal of Red Army support for other communist countries resulted in one by one the communist governments coming to an end.
Communist governments in E. Europe could no longer expect support from Red Army to exercise control.
There was much corruption with Party members living in luxury whilst the workers were living in poverty.
The people no longer had faith in their government as they saw the West getting richer.
I know this is old, and I may be misunderstanding something, but what the fuck is that map. Please kill yourself.